Thursday, September 24, 2009

What the...?

I’ve been debating recently that perhaps the best way to follow a religion is in private. The moment you begin preaching at someone you violate a lot of the rules you’re meant to be following.

People who are not the same faith as you, or without a faith, don’t want to hear that they are living their lives wrong and that they are going to roast like marshmallows.
Hell, as I said, I’m a Christian, and I don’t want to hear it.

I’ve been poking around the internet and I’m pretty sure what I’ve seen of fstdt alone has dented my faith in mankind and its ability to survive as a species.

To people who actually think like the insane fundie comments on that site:

What are you doing, you complete nutcases?
You are the very reason WHY people are turning away from their faiths.
Respect the fact that people have different views than you. Listen to them.
You might just learn something.

Do not, at any point, start waving a book around and declare it word per word fact.
It’s a belief system. You believe it or you don’t. If you do, fine and dandy. Huzzah for you. I hope it works out for you, honestly I do, but don’t shove it down a person's throat.

You wouldn’t like it if an atheist came along and totally disregarded everything you’ve said with the line ‘I don’t care. I KNOW I’m right.’ So don’t do the same thing.
“I know I’m right because I have the word of the lord.” is not a valid argument if you know exactly wheres the books come from and the fact that they are not unedited versions of original texts.

The Bible is basically like the first media spin.

As it stands, nobody can present solid evidence that God exists. That’s fine. God's existence is not a fact.

Let me just say that again for anyone who is still reeling from this.

God's existence is not a fact.

It’s a belief some people have. It is not a requirement for life.

I’m saying this as someone who does believe in God. There are a lot of people out there who just make that belief look so…stupid.
I believe it for personal reasons. My reasons. Nobody else has them. So why would I expect anyone else to believe the same thing? It’s not logical to expect that. It’s not rational.

No rational human being can expect someone else to believe what they believe without solid evidence.

If you really want to stand by your beliefs, be willing to debate them like rational human beings.
If you can’t prove it, be content with the fact it’s your own personal belief and stop shouting it at everyone else.

The more you rage, the less anyone gives a damn.


1 comment:

  1. Damn find point, sir. As my Christian friend admits, "Faith is not reasonable." And there it ends.


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